In addition to its learning and certification, professional service provider support services with Appreciation at Work, ESM and RRN media platforms and permission-based marketing for thought leadership and advertising, and speaking and facilitation service, the EEA provides an unbundled set of services to help any organization start applying the practical and proven principles of total quality management to their organizations or those of their clients.
The EEA provides the following additional tools and services: high-level advisory services; stakeholder management maturity assessment; return-on-investment measurement; and charity giving.
high level adivsory services
We provide senior management and board orientation on the economics, principles, framework, implementation process, corporate sustainability reporting, technology, and other issues related to shifting toward a stakeholder-focused management model to enhance results for shareholders and better experiences for all.
Who can benefit. Investment managers, boards, senior management at any type of organization, seeking to enhance returns for investors and other contributors by fostering the proactive involvement of all their customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities.
Fees: Depends on the scope.
Stakeholder Maturity Assessment (From External and Internal Point of View)
Using the 11-year-old stakeholder management assessment tool created by Omindex in the United Kingdom, organizations can quickly assess how their organization could be viewed via the Internet and other published information on critical factors found by independent research to have a direct impact on share price returns and future equity value. In phase I, this AI-generated rating can be compared to the ratings provided by select internal management. If desired, in phase 2, a complete internal assessment can be provided based on a survey with employees to provide a final score that can be benchmarked with a growing number of companies and, if favorable, used for marketing purposes. Click here for a sample of the Stakeholder Management Assessment Calculator.
Who can benefit. Any organization seeking to see how the marketplace views the maturity of its stakeholder management practices compared with management views, as well as an assessment of internal stakeholders to determine a final stakeholder management maturity rating.
Fees: Phase 1—External evaluation $3,500; Phase 2—Internal evaluation $2,000 more and up based on the size of the company.
Return on Investment Measurement
Management and consultants in finance, mergers and acquisitions, sales, customer service, and other areas involved with people engagement no longer need guess about the impact of their efforts. The People Value Impact Calculator (PVIC) from Minnesota-based compensation firm TM Evolution makes it easy for the C-suite and management overseeing all stakeholder groups to not only measure the ongoing impact of customer, employee, supply chain and distribution partner, and other engagement efforts, but to compare results with past performance and have reporting independently validated by a disinterested party using the organization’s own metrics. Click here for an example of how PVIC is used in company valuations to identify risks and opportunities in customer and employee management.
Who can benefit. Any organization seeking to get a quick and easy handle on the impact of almost investment in stakeholder engagement, including customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities.
Fees. A one-company annual license is included in the EEA Corporate or Solution Provider curriculum membership levels, with a one-time $300 set up fee, including basic training.
Charity giving
Promote meaningful charitable contributions with a free CharityChoice co-branded web site for your organization to support charitable giving by employees, customers and other stakeholders only to charities your organization chooses that help address the health, welfare, and safety of people. This company also supports round-up promotions using the charities of your choice.
Who can benefit. Any organizations seeking to promote fund-raising among its stakeholders.
Fees. There are generally no fees, and companies can earn fund-raising fees by helping participating charities make money.
For More Information: Bruce Bolger, EEA Founder, 914-591-7600, ext. 230;